With its neat, compact habit and deep red, old-fashioned blooms in tow, it's easy to see why Lady in Red will soon be the most popular climbing rose on the market today. Slightly ruffled at the edges, these fragrant flowers are large—up to 4½" across. Fences, arbors and walls are perfect structures to let this Lady in Red climb, but she also does a fine job of filling in dead spaces in the garden or landscape. Though a moderate climber, its form is fairly neat and controlled, making it an ideal variety for vertical gardening, a very hot trend in horticulture. An exceptional bloomer, tight clusters of vivid red roses pop against deep green foliage that appears in abundance along the sturdy 8-10' plant. Makes an excellent privacy screen between properties or to define a special space in the landscape. Bred by Christian Bedard. Rosa cv. 'WEKvaldoam' PPAF